ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a controversial diagnosis indicated by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility. It affects children as well as adults. People with ADHD have difficulties with focus, attention and concentration.
A study* published in the Journal of Substance Use and Misuse showed that people who have used Hemp Extract were helped in the management of impulsive and hyperactive behaviors. This led researchers to suggest that Hemp Extract can help in the therapeutic aid of those with ADHD.
Additional published research studied the effect of Hemp Extract on 30 patients that did not respond to Ritalin or Adderall. The majority of the subjects experienced improvement in sleep and concentration as well as reduced impulsivity.
Scientists have associated ADHD with clinical endocannabinoid deficiency. Persons with this deficiency have slowed-down neurotransmitter speed, and their brains need more time to focus and concentrate.
According to researchers, standard medications are more demanding on patients, while Hemp Extract brings control that enables them to work, love, and live without feeling intoxicated.
Hemp Extract is a welcome alternative solution used to increase focus and attention without drug inducing side effects. It is actually safely addressing an underlying problem, ECS deficiency.
Thank you for taking your time to become educated on the science and technologies behind the best health supplements.
My best wishes for your best health.
Frank Davis,
Founder and CEO of Optivida Health
[For more science-based evidence for the use of hemp extract read "Hemp Health Revolution: The A to Z Health Benefits of Hemp Extract"]Â
*Clin Nucl Med. 2014 Feb;39(2):e129-34. doi: 10.1097/RLU. 0b013e31829f9119.
Searching for a neurobiological basis for self-medication theory in ADHD comorbid with substance use disorders: an in vivo study of dopamine transporters using (99m)Tc-TRODAT-1 SPECT.
*J Psychopharmacol. 2012 Oct;26(10):1317-32. doi: 10.1177/0269881112441865. Epub 2012 Apr 9.
Cannabidiol and clozapine reverse MK-801-induced deficits in social interaction and hyperactivity in Sprague-Dawley rats.
*Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Feb 1;135:88-94. doi: 10.1016/ j.drugalcdep.2013.11.013. Epub 2013 Nov 25.